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Nearly all workers are in their mid forties and fifties, and suffer from work induced ailments like cancer, tuberculosis, asthma and other respiratory diseases. However, the medical claims offered to sanitary workers do not cover these diseases. “More than 65 per cent of the sanitary workers are women and their rights and needs should be protected. Families of sanitary workers do not even get adequately compensated when they die during service. Metro Water, a parastatal agency, privately hires workers to manually clean the sewers. When workers die inside these sewers, they are entitled to zero compensation by the agency”, he said.
The Sanitary Workers Union was formed in 2004 to protect the rights of the sanitary workers and help rehabilitation. Have things changed since then? “Not much has changed, but workers are more aware and empowered to fight for their rights now. They no longer fear to exercise their freedom of speech”, said that who hopes to completely rehabilitate the lives of manual scavengers in the city some day.
Transparent Chennai will be going on a city tour this week to check the conditions in which manual scavengers operate in the city. Transparent Chennai will also be a part of the weekly union meetings to interact with workers. If you are interested in talking about this issue,
About Children’s Home

Mr. S.J.Raju
Pastor & Project Leader

Mrs. Sarojamma
Cook (Chef)

Mrs. Monika

Miss. Bujji

J.P. Susmitha Sneha
Years Old
Annual Sponsorship Cost
Fathers Name: J.D. Premanandam (Late)
Mothers Name: J. P. Rajitha
Date of Birth: June 21st, 2003
Education: 12th Grade
School: Helens Girls Higher Secoundary School

J.P. Stella Mary
Years Old
Annual Sponsorship Cost
Father’s Name: J.D. Premanandam (Late)
Mother’s Name: J. P. Rajitha
Date of Birth: April 1st, 2001
School: Saint Joseph College of Arts and Science College